"The screws keep breaking" is something I hear quite a bit from customers. I would like to investigate this further!
Let's explore what are difference of Machining and Rolling Threads in numerical testing!
Hello everyone, my name is Yamazato of Hanshin Neji, and at the end of August 2024, I went to Mexico to create a company that sells Japanese screws in small quantities and in many varieties. I started this company not because I had any customers in Mexico, but because I wanted (or needed!) to challenge ourselves to see how far we, Japanese screw makers, could go in the world in order to realize our management philosophy of pursuing the material and intellectual happiness of all our employees and at the same time contributing to people around the world who are involved in manufacturing. I hope to share with you stories of screws we encounter in Mexico and the cultural differences we see through real eyes. This time, I would like to write about how to build a company in Mexico and what I felt through the process. If you are thinking of setting up a company in Mexico (a bit rare, isn't it?) or if you are not interested, please read on. I would appreciate it if you could read it, even if you are not interested.
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