Japanese National Sports day


sports day banner スポーツの日

History of Japanese National Sports day

                Every 2nd Monday of every October in every year, there is a national sports day

(スポーツの日) “Supoutsu No Hi” as pronounce of this Japanese word.

    This is Japanese national holiday which have a purpose to make Japanese citizen aware of their health by training and keeping their physical and mental to be strong. Encourage people to enjoy playing sport, increase their harmony and teamwork. There will be several sport events held nationwide especially in school among this period such as running, relay running, three legs running, handball, tug of war, and etc.

Tips : Japanese national sports day

    When Tokyo Summer Olympics is held on 10 October 1966, on that day Japanese government announced 10th October to be national sports day but after that, government change it to 2nd Monday of October in every year onwards according to “Happy Monday system" that encourage Japanese citizen to fully enjoy the holiday with extra holiday added.

Even on Sports day we may not do any outdoor activity or play sport but please make sure to keep our health and mind to be healthy at all time!